Tolerate It
Tolerate It

Litho, Collage, Acrylic, Metallic Pen
Vintage Frame custom painted

They Say I Did Something Bad
They Say I Did Something Bad

Vintage Reptile Textbook, Acrylic
Vintage Frame custom painted

The Emmy's
The Emmy's

8” x 10” on flat canvas

Champagne Problems
Champagne Problems

Vintage photograph, acrylic
Vintage frame custom painted

Champagne Probs - Veuve
Champagne Probs - Veuve
Tolerate It
They Say I Did Something Bad
The Emmy's
Champagne Problems
Champagne Probs - Veuve
Tolerate It

Litho, Collage, Acrylic, Metallic Pen
Vintage Frame custom painted

They Say I Did Something Bad

Vintage Reptile Textbook, Acrylic
Vintage Frame custom painted

The Emmy's

8” x 10” on flat canvas

Champagne Problems

Vintage photograph, acrylic
Vintage frame custom painted

Champagne Probs - Veuve
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